Tuesday, March 15, 2016

March Prompts 6450-6475

Monday, March 15th, 07:17

6451 My mother and a poem about a donkey 
6452 The thunderous call of a night-time swimming pool
6543 Between dying and the edge
6454 The idea that giving the masses what they want is democracy
6455 A quiet curry with a Sergeant Major

6456 There are some lights that make you cry
6457 Michaelangelo, Mother Theresa, Donald Trump
6458 Blancmange
6459 Visit her, but don’t stay long
6460 The deep retort made heavier by a closed mouth

6461 It is a memory, but too violent to articulate
6462 The feathery thoughts of a hot summer’s day
6463 The wondrous pink of Cherry-Blossom
6464 I am proud of the German Chancellor
6465 It is not what we normally think of as brave

6466 Silence is usually best, but remember how to roar
6467 There must be a reason I hate cats
6468 I would refute what you say, but to do that I would have to acknowledge you
6469 The bodies under the tarpaulin
6470 What should I take my daughter?

6471 The Body Language, not the words
6472 This Bitter Realm
6473 Some Beauty is a Burden
6474 To every action there is an equal and opposite not giving a fuck

6475 After the last tree falls

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