Just Checking and yesterday's £500 winner for Boot Camp was our 97th First Prize.
We should be looking for our 100th First by the Summer!
To see the full list, click on the AK Website link to your right, select "All About Boot Camp" and then Boot Camp Firsts. Unfortunately the BC Seconds List is years out of date!
Other Boot Camp stories have won first prizes but we have a strict rule that the writer must be in BC at the time of the prize.
NOTE: One heckler post (now removed) criticised the idea of Flashing. This year from 9 First Prizes, at least five were for flashes, two of those flashes won STORY competitions.
Flashing releases the unconscious and we know of many writers who "flash" better stories in 40 minutes to two hours than they do when given days, weeks, months to produce their piece.
Think on that.
But then what do we know?
Friday's Prompts
213 Jaffa Cakes
Two Grand Masters
Please Read the Notes Overleaf
The Night Before the Battle
Michael's Magic Carpet
Make Poetry History!
The Difference Between Egg and Bacon
Chicken Big
Double-Ya Meets the Devil (At Last)
I heard Scrawl, and Thought, "How Appropriate"
To the Core, To the Core
Laminate, Expectorate
Word For the Day
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
The Rise and Fall of Flingle Bunt
Blog from Writer and CW Teacher Alex Keegan. Also publishes news from Boot Camp Keegan and Writing Competition Schedules and Results. FACEBOOK ME!
Friday, March 31, 2006
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Boot Camp Prizes Update.
We have had to close this blog to comments as "anonymous' just can't leave BC alone, but we can let the figures speak for themselves.
Anon (so brave) alleges we double-count hits (but we have published a full checkable list).
Here are the prizes and finals placings so far this year.
$2,780 Won.
01 Colin $200 First Place in Slingink's Eurofiction Prize
02 Mike Joint-Winner in 7Q FF9
03 Dave Joint-Winner in 7Q FF9
04 Lexie Wins Adult SS of the Year (£300) in "Killie"
05 Cally Wins Dark Tales ($60)
06 BCer wins 7Q FF10 (Reader Vote)
07 Hazera wins Doorknobs & Bodypaint First Place
08 Alex Wins Pencil Bantry $300
09 Lexie Wins Cotswold Prize £500
01 Lexie $150 Second Place in "Dame Throgmorton"
02 TomC gets $100 second in JBWB
03 BCer 2nd in 7Q FF10
01 Lexie in 7Q FF9 Third Place
02 BCer 3rd in 7Q FF10
03 Tom's $25 3rd in Oz
04 Lexie $200 3rd in The New Writer
01 Alex Night Train Yates Comp, Last 12 "Floating"
02 Alex Poem in "Out of Love" Anthology
03 Laurie (Nartje) in "Out of Love" Anthology
04 Lexie, State of Being" HR at HISSAC (only winner is announced)
05 Lexie, second story finalist at HISAAC
06 Colin finalist in HISAAC
07 Colin HR in JBWB
08 Cally in Final of Belvedere
09 Lexie in Fish Anthology ($100)
10 Lexie last 140 of 1800, Fish
11 Haz named in Best of the web shortlist
12 Lexie Final of Writers Forum
Lexie also recieved $25 & $10 payments
Winnings in Dollars, £ = $2, Euro = $1
for simplicity of calculation
Anon (so brave) alleges we double-count hits (but we have published a full checkable list).
Here are the prizes and finals placings so far this year.
$2,780 Won.
01 Colin $200 First Place in Slingink's Eurofiction Prize
02 Mike Joint-Winner in 7Q FF9
03 Dave Joint-Winner in 7Q FF9
04 Lexie Wins Adult SS of the Year (£300) in "Killie"
05 Cally Wins Dark Tales ($60)
06 BCer wins 7Q FF10 (Reader Vote)
07 Hazera wins Doorknobs & Bodypaint First Place
08 Alex Wins Pencil Bantry $300
09 Lexie Wins Cotswold Prize £500
01 Lexie $150 Second Place in "Dame Throgmorton"
02 TomC gets $100 second in JBWB
03 BCer 2nd in 7Q FF10
01 Lexie in 7Q FF9 Third Place
02 BCer 3rd in 7Q FF10
03 Tom's $25 3rd in Oz
04 Lexie $200 3rd in The New Writer
01 Alex Night Train Yates Comp, Last 12 "Floating"
02 Alex Poem in "Out of Love" Anthology
03 Laurie (Nartje) in "Out of Love" Anthology
04 Lexie, State of Being" HR at HISSAC (only winner is announced)
05 Lexie, second story finalist at HISAAC
06 Colin finalist in HISAAC
07 Colin HR in JBWB
08 Cally in Final of Belvedere
09 Lexie in Fish Anthology ($100)
10 Lexie last 140 of 1800, Fish
11 Haz named in Best of the web shortlist
12 Lexie Final of Writers Forum
Lexie also recieved $25 & $10 payments
Winnings in Dollars, £ = $2, Euro = $1
for simplicity of calculation
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Here's a list of Prizes, Places, Hits from the small, hard-working band in Boot Camp.
178 Subs 068 Rejects 32 Hits 26 Pubs 15 Prizes - JAN
121 Subs 053 Rejects 22 Hits 11 Pubs 09 Prizes - FEB
040 Subs 023 Rejects 15 Hits 03 Pubs 03 Prizes - MAR
339 Subs 144 Rejects 69 Hits 40 Pubs 27 Prizes - YTD
01 COLIN wins Eurofiction First Prize at Slingink (£100?)
02 LEXIE wins Second Place Dame Elizabeth Throckmorton ($125)
03 ALEX makes final 12 of Night Train's "Yates" Competition
04 CALLY has "Odd Socks" accepted for Print Mag
05 Caroline (nightwriter) places a poem at GreenSilk
06 CHRIS places Flash, "Cherry Pie" at Smokebox
07 CHRIS places "Pink Stinks" at Quicktion
08 TOMC places Flash "One Kiss" at Smokebox
09 ISSY place "CIN Flash "Eyes" at Smokebox
10 CHRIS places Flash "The Harrogate Question" at Smokebox
11 ALEX makes final (anthology) at Leaf Books Poetry
12 LAURIE makes final (anthology) at Leaf Books Poetry
13 MJH places story at BBC Radio Norfolk to be broadcast Feb14
14 TOMC places CIN Flash "Clouds of Witness" at Wild
15 Colin story at Buzzwords
16 Lexie HR at HISAAC with "States of Being
17 Lexie finalist at HISAAC with second
18 Lexie 3rd in 7Q FF9
19 MJH Joint First in 7Q FF9
20 Dave Joint First in 7Q
21 MJH places "Kites" at Outsider Ink
22 Alex places "John Dee" at top mag
23 TomC Finalist at Hisaac
24 TomC story at Scorched Earth
25 Lexie wins Adult SS of the Year at Kille ($600)
26 CHRIS places "Mummy Says" at print mag
27 MJH places "Loloa, Sadness" at Thieves Jargon
28 TomC $100 Second in JBWB
29 Colin HR at JBWB
30 TomC Finalist in Australian Comp, results TBA
31 Alex accepted at US Print Mag
32 Alex accepted at US Print Mag
33 Alex "Race For Life" at Smokebox
34 Cally in Final of Belvedere
35 CLT has 3 micro-flashes accepted by Flash
36 Alex FIRST PLACE in Pencil, Ireland $300
37 Lexie Shortlist Fish Prize (1) Anthology ($100)
38 Lexie Shortlist Fish Prize (2)
39 Cally Wins Dark Tales $80
40 Joels gets Print Hit at Scifantastic
41 Tom Conoboy places CIN Flash at Identity
42 Caroline (Nightwriter) has story featured at Writelink
43 Joel has story accepted for Print Anthology, Route
44 Sam's Lake (Alex) for Southern Ocean Review
45 Squidboy taken by Strange Horizons (MJH) ($100)
46 Toadaphone taken by Prose Toad (MJH
47 Saucy Vox Magazine take Joel's "Shopping Crazy
48 MJH places story at Cautionary
49 Fleur Top 3 Seventh Quark FF-10
50 Dave Top 3 Seventh Quark FF-10
51 Lexie Top 3 Seventh Quark FF-10
52 Hazera wins Doorknobs Mini-Comp
53 Chrissie gets an acceptance at QWF
54 Tom places Baby Soup at Heavy Glow
55 Dave places story at Lampshade
56 TomC places story at Prose Toad
57 Alex "Napalm" to ISJ
58 Dave places story at Barrelhouse
59 Alex "Disease of Competence" to ISJ
60 Caroline (nightwriter) Poems to be included in Poetry Library website
61 Haz listed in Best of the Web
62 Lexie story at Words
63 Lexie $200 3rd at The New Writer with Roundabouts
64 MJH has a story accepted by Southern Ocean Review
65 MJH has story accepted by Eclectica
66 MJH has story accepted by Wild Violets
67 TomC's story "Thought Game" accepted by Word Riot
68 TomC's "Nanook of the South" accepted by Barfing Frog
69 Lexie Final Ten Writers Forum Comp
178 Subs 068 Rejects 32 Hits 26 Pubs 15 Prizes - JAN
121 Subs 053 Rejects 22 Hits 11 Pubs 09 Prizes - FEB
040 Subs 023 Rejects 15 Hits 03 Pubs 03 Prizes - MAR
339 Subs 144 Rejects 69 Hits 40 Pubs 27 Prizes - YTD
01 COLIN wins Eurofiction First Prize at Slingink (£100?)
02 LEXIE wins Second Place Dame Elizabeth Throckmorton ($125)
03 ALEX makes final 12 of Night Train's "Yates" Competition
04 CALLY has "Odd Socks" accepted for Print Mag
05 Caroline (nightwriter) places a poem at GreenSilk
06 CHRIS places Flash, "Cherry Pie" at Smokebox
07 CHRIS places "Pink Stinks" at Quicktion
08 TOMC places Flash "One Kiss" at Smokebox
09 ISSY place "CIN Flash "Eyes" at Smokebox
10 CHRIS places Flash "The Harrogate Question" at Smokebox
11 ALEX makes final (anthology) at Leaf Books Poetry
12 LAURIE makes final (anthology) at Leaf Books Poetry
13 MJH places story at BBC Radio Norfolk to be broadcast Feb14
14 TOMC places CIN Flash "Clouds of Witness" at Wild
15 Colin story at Buzzwords
16 Lexie HR at HISAAC with "States of Being
17 Lexie finalist at HISAAC with second
18 Lexie 3rd in 7Q FF9
19 MJH Joint First in 7Q FF9
20 Dave Joint First in 7Q
21 MJH places "Kites" at Outsider Ink
22 Alex places "John Dee" at top mag
23 TomC Finalist at Hisaac
24 TomC story at Scorched Earth
25 Lexie wins Adult SS of the Year at Kille ($600)
26 CHRIS places "Mummy Says" at print mag
27 MJH places "Loloa, Sadness" at Thieves Jargon
28 TomC $100 Second in JBWB
29 Colin HR at JBWB
30 TomC Finalist in Australian Comp, results TBA
31 Alex accepted at US Print Mag
32 Alex accepted at US Print Mag
33 Alex "Race For Life" at Smokebox
34 Cally in Final of Belvedere
35 CLT has 3 micro-flashes accepted by Flash
36 Alex FIRST PLACE in Pencil, Ireland $300
37 Lexie Shortlist Fish Prize (1) Anthology ($100)
38 Lexie Shortlist Fish Prize (2)
39 Cally Wins Dark Tales $80
40 Joels gets Print Hit at Scifantastic
41 Tom Conoboy places CIN Flash at Identity
42 Caroline (Nightwriter) has story featured at Writelink
43 Joel has story accepted for Print Anthology, Route
44 Sam's Lake (Alex) for Southern Ocean Review
45 Squidboy taken by Strange Horizons (MJH) ($100)
46 Toadaphone taken by Prose Toad (MJH
47 Saucy Vox Magazine take Joel's "Shopping Crazy
48 MJH places story at Cautionary
49 Fleur Top 3 Seventh Quark FF-10
50 Dave Top 3 Seventh Quark FF-10
51 Lexie Top 3 Seventh Quark FF-10
52 Hazera wins Doorknobs Mini-Comp
53 Chrissie gets an acceptance at QWF
54 Tom places Baby Soup at Heavy Glow
55 Dave places story at Lampshade
56 TomC places story at Prose Toad
57 Alex "Napalm" to ISJ
58 Dave places story at Barrelhouse
59 Alex "Disease of Competence" to ISJ
60 Caroline (nightwriter) Poems to be included in Poetry Library website
61 Haz listed in Best of the Web
62 Lexie story at Words
63 Lexie $200 3rd at The New Writer with Roundabouts
64 MJH has a story accepted by Southern Ocean Review
65 MJH has story accepted by Eclectica
66 MJH has story accepted by Wild Violets
67 TomC's story "Thought Game" accepted by Word Riot
68 TomC's "Nanook of the South" accepted by Barfing Frog
69 Lexie Final Ten Writers Forum Comp
Still Quiet, Here's Some Prompts
Wednesday Morning's Boot Camp Prompts
Where is Turin?
Warm Apricot, Sandpaper
Notice of Assessment of Tax
My Boy Lollipop
Mrs Tall and Mr Short
Three Bayonet Grinders, One Polisher
Big Mac
The Man Who Hated Koala Bears
Free Ticket to the Seal Cull: Yeehah!
Where is Turin?
Warm Apricot, Sandpaper
Notice of Assessment of Tax
My Boy Lollipop
Mrs Tall and Mr Short
Three Bayonet Grinders, One Polisher
Big Mac
The Man Who Hated Koala Bears
Free Ticket to the Seal Cull: Yeehah!
Monday, March 27, 2006
If it Gets Any Quieter...
We had a power-out here yesterday, but nobody noticed!
I sat in the candle-light and listened to Ulysses on my iPod.
I Am Become God
29 Candles
Washed-Out, Washed-Up
Basingstoke to Bideford
One Step at a Time Except When You Take More
Diagnosis, Prognosis
Warts and All
The Power of Silence
Please Examine the Options Available
Petticoats and Power
I sat in the candle-light and listened to Ulysses on my iPod.
I Am Become God
29 Candles
Washed-Out, Washed-Up
Basingstoke to Bideford
One Step at a Time Except When You Take More
Diagnosis, Prognosis
Warts and All
The Power of Silence
Please Examine the Options Available
Petticoats and Power
Friday, March 24, 2006
One More, Some Prompts
TomC keeps it ticking over with another small hit our 69th of the year.
BCers have now written 75 stories, 611 critiques, 230 Flashes and more than 900 flash crits
The Rough With the Smooth
Blood in the Arena
The Green Green Grass of Home
What Katie Did
The Utterly Inconsequential Life of Francis (Mac) Comber
Slow Boat to Hong Kong
Ping Pong With Peter & Paul
BCers have now written 75 stories, 611 critiques, 230 Flashes and more than 900 flash crits
The Rough With the Smooth
Blood in the Arena
The Green Green Grass of Home
What Katie Did
The Utterly Inconsequential Life of Francis (Mac) Comber
Slow Boat to Hong Kong
Ping Pong With Peter & Paul
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
A Hit, Fifteen prompts
TomC gets a story taken by Word Riot, our 67th Hit of the year.
Today's Flash Prompts
Early Train to London
The Kids' Bedrooms
The Heart as a Malleable Organ
For England, One Day
Tea Break, Hamlet Rehearsals
I Like Coffe, I Like Tea
Buttercups v Daisies: The Final!
The Origin of the Faeces
Going to Darwin
Eclectica Collectica
Today's Flash Prompts
Early Train to London
The Kids' Bedrooms
The Heart as a Malleable Organ
For England, One Day
Tea Break, Hamlet Rehearsals
I Like Coffe, I Like Tea
Buttercups v Daisies: The Final!
The Origin of the Faeces
Going to Darwin
Eclectica Collectica
Sunday, March 19, 2006
More Hits, More Prompts
MJH gets a story into Eclectica and another into Wild Violets, taking BC to 65 fresh hits for the year
Here are Sundays Prompts
Dressed to Go Running
How Far Can You Go?
Do You Like Pie?
Twelve Caesars
Hamstring, Hamstrung
Chink in His Amor
Here are Sundays Prompts
Dressed to Go Running
How Far Can You Go?
Do You Like Pie?
Twelve Caesars
Hamstring, Hamstrung
Chink in His Amor
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Another Boot Camp Prize
A Boot Camper makes the list of best of the web, plus another small hit, and Lexie Fox is £100 third placed in The New Writer's Annual Short-Story Awards.
That takes BC to 63 Hits for the Year
178 Subs 068 Rejects 32 Hits 26 Pubs 15 Prizes - JAN
121 Subs 053 Rejects 22 Hits 11 Pubs 09 Prizes - FEB
031 Subs 007 Rejects 09 Hits 03 Pubs 02 Prizes - MAR
330 Subs 128 Rejects 63 Hits 40 Pubs 26 Prizes - YTD
01 COLIN wins Eurofiction First Prize at Slingink (£100?)
02 LEXIE wins Second Place Dame Elizabeth Throckmorton ($125)
03 ALEX makes final 12 of Night Train's "Yates" Competition
04 CALLY has "Odd Socks" accepted for Print Mag
05 CAROL places a poem at GreenSilk
06 CHRIS places Flash, "Cherry Pie" at Smokebox
07 CHRIS places "Pink Stinks" at Quicktion
08 TOMC places Flash "One Kiss" at Smokebox
09 ISSY place "CIN Flash "Eyes" at Smokebox
10 CHRIS places Flash "The Harrogate Question" at Smokebox
11 ALEX makes final (anthology) at Leaf Books Poetry
12 LAURIE makes final (anthology) at Leaf Books Poetry
13 MJH places story at BBC Radio Norfolk to be broadcast Feb14
14 TOMC places CIN Flash "Clouds of Witness" at Wild
15 Colin story at Buzzwords
16 Lexie HR at HISAAC with "States of Being
17 Lexie finalist at HISAAC with second
18 Lexie 3rd in 7Q FF9
19 MJH Joint First in 7Q FF9
20 Dave Joint First in 7Q
21 MJH places "Kites" at Outsider Ink
22 Alex places "John Dee" at top mag
23 TomC Finalist at Hisaac
24 TomC story at Scorched Earth
25 Lexie wins Adult SS of the Year at Kille ($600) 26 CHRIS places "Mummy Says" at print mag
27 MJH places "Loloa, Sadness" at Thieves Jargon 28 TomC $100 Second in JBWB
29 Colin HR at JBWB
30 TomC Finalist in Australian Comp, results TBA 31 Alex accepted at US Print Mag
32 Alex accepted at US Print Mag
33 Alex "Race For Life" in
34 Cally in Final of Belvedere
35 CLT has 3 micro-flashes accepted by Flash
36 Alex FIRST PLACE in Pencil, Ireland $300
37 Lexie Shortlist Fish Prize (1)
38 Lexie Shortlist Fish Prize (2)
39 Cally Wins Dark Tales $80
40 Joels gets Print Hit at
41 Tom Conoboy places CIN Flash at Identity
42 Caroline has story featured at
43 Joel has story accepted for Print Anthology, Route
44 Sam's Lake (Alex) for Southern Ocean Review
45 Squidboy taken by Strange Horizons (MJH) ($100)
46 Toadaphone taken by Prose Toad (MJH
47 Saucy Vox Magazine take Joel's "Shopping Crazy
48 MJH places story at Cautionary
49 Fleur Top 3 Seventh Quark FF-10
50 Dave Top 3 Seventh Quark FF-10
51 Lexie Top 3 Seventh Quark FF-10
52 Hazera wins Doorknobs Mini-Comp
53 Chrissie gets an acceptance at QWF
54 Tom places Baby Soup at Heavy Glow
55 Dave places story at Lampshade
56 TomC places story at Prose Toad
57 Alex "Napalm" to ISJ
58 Dave places story at
59 Alex "Disease of Competence" to ISJ
60 Nightwriter's Poems to be Showcased
61 Haz listed in Best of the Web
62 Lexie story at Words
63 Lexie $200 3rd at The New Writer
That takes BC to 63 Hits for the Year
178 Subs 068 Rejects 32 Hits 26 Pubs 15 Prizes - JAN
121 Subs 053 Rejects 22 Hits 11 Pubs 09 Prizes - FEB
031 Subs 007 Rejects 09 Hits 03 Pubs 02 Prizes - MAR
330 Subs 128 Rejects 63 Hits 40 Pubs 26 Prizes - YTD
01 COLIN wins Eurofiction First Prize at Slingink (£100?)
02 LEXIE wins Second Place Dame Elizabeth Throckmorton ($125)
03 ALEX makes final 12 of Night Train's "Yates" Competition
04 CALLY has "Odd Socks" accepted for Print Mag
05 CAROL places a poem at GreenSilk
06 CHRIS places Flash, "Cherry Pie" at Smokebox
07 CHRIS places "Pink Stinks" at Quicktion
08 TOMC places Flash "One Kiss" at Smokebox
09 ISSY place "CIN Flash "Eyes" at Smokebox
10 CHRIS places Flash "The Harrogate Question" at Smokebox
11 ALEX makes final (anthology) at Leaf Books Poetry
12 LAURIE makes final (anthology) at Leaf Books Poetry
13 MJH places story at BBC Radio Norfolk to be broadcast Feb14
14 TOMC places CIN Flash "Clouds of Witness" at Wild
15 Colin story at Buzzwords
16 Lexie HR at HISAAC with "States of Being
17 Lexie finalist at HISAAC with second
18 Lexie 3rd in 7Q FF9
19 MJH Joint First in 7Q FF9
20 Dave Joint First in 7Q
21 MJH places "Kites" at Outsider Ink
22 Alex places "John Dee" at top mag
23 TomC Finalist at Hisaac
24 TomC story at Scorched Earth
25 Lexie wins Adult SS of the Year at Kille ($600) 26 CHRIS places "Mummy Says" at print mag
27 MJH places "Loloa, Sadness" at Thieves Jargon 28 TomC $100 Second in JBWB
29 Colin HR at JBWB
30 TomC Finalist in Australian Comp, results TBA 31 Alex accepted at US Print Mag
32 Alex accepted at US Print Mag
33 Alex "Race For Life" in
34 Cally in Final of Belvedere
35 CLT has 3 micro-flashes accepted by Flash
36 Alex FIRST PLACE in Pencil, Ireland $300
37 Lexie Shortlist Fish Prize (1)
38 Lexie Shortlist Fish Prize (2)
39 Cally Wins Dark Tales $80
40 Joels gets Print Hit at
41 Tom Conoboy places CIN Flash at Identity
42 Caroline has story featured at
43 Joel has story accepted for Print Anthology, Route
44 Sam's Lake (Alex) for Southern Ocean Review
45 Squidboy taken by Strange Horizons (MJH) ($100)
46 Toadaphone taken by Prose Toad (MJH
47 Saucy Vox Magazine take Joel's "Shopping Crazy
48 MJH places story at Cautionary
49 Fleur Top 3 Seventh Quark FF-10
50 Dave Top 3 Seventh Quark FF-10
51 Lexie Top 3 Seventh Quark FF-10
52 Hazera wins Doorknobs Mini-Comp
53 Chrissie gets an acceptance at QWF
54 Tom places Baby Soup at Heavy Glow
55 Dave places story at Lampshade
56 TomC places story at Prose Toad
57 Alex "Napalm" to ISJ
58 Dave places story at
59 Alex "Disease of Competence" to ISJ
60 Nightwriter's Poems to be Showcased
61 Haz listed in Best of the Web
62 Lexie story at Words
63 Lexie $200 3rd at The New Writer
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Today's Boot Camp Prompts
Reflections in an Artificial Lake
Poetery, the Basics
Those Magnificent Men in the Flying Machines
12 Millimetre
The Life and Times of a Pint of Shandy
The Difference Between Sheep Droppings and Maltesers
Len's Lens
Supper With Stalin, Dancing Girl
Fluff, Froth.
Two Kinds of Magic
Poetery, the Basics
Those Magnificent Men in the Flying Machines
12 Millimetre
The Life and Times of a Pint of Shandy
The Difference Between Sheep Droppings and Maltesers
Len's Lens
Supper With Stalin, Dancing Girl
Fluff, Froth.
Two Kinds of Magic
Monday, March 13, 2006
Success in Ireland
Just heard that a Boot Camper has made the Fish Anthology, the last 15 from 1800 entries.
Official Results on 17 March
Meanwhile Boot Camp just ticks over.
066 Stories
507 Critiques
216 Flashes
801 Flash Crits
325 Submissions
128 Rejections
061 Hits
008 First Prizes
003 Second Prizes
003 Third Prizes
010 Named Finalists
040 Actual Publications in 2006
From an active membership currently 17
Totoal Membership (with two visitors) 27
Alex K
Official Results on 17 March
Meanwhile Boot Camp just ticks over.
066 Stories
507 Critiques
216 Flashes
801 Flash Crits
325 Submissions
128 Rejections
061 Hits
008 First Prizes
003 Second Prizes
003 Third Prizes
010 Named Finalists
040 Actual Publications in 2006
From an active membership currently 17
Totoal Membership (with two visitors) 27
Alex K
Friday, March 10, 2006
Three Hits, Twelve Prompts
Still Quiet but a hit for DaveP at BarrelHouse, two for moi at The Internet Writers Journal taking us to 56 Hits for the year
And MJH has a publication at Outsider Inc, our 40th actual pub of the year
Friday's Boot Camp Prompts
Fatal Dandruff
Nine Bottles of Water
What You See Is What You Get
The Invention of Steam
Rubicon, Crossing, One
One Minute's Silence
Eye Drops & Other Diversions
Black, But Does It Suit Me?
Prompts, Comps, Swamps
Ticket to Vladivostok
Judas, My Story
And MJH has a publication at Outsider Inc, our 40th actual pub of the year
Friday's Boot Camp Prompts
Fatal Dandruff
Nine Bottles of Water
What You See Is What You Get
The Invention of Steam
Rubicon, Crossing, One
One Minute's Silence
Eye Drops & Other Diversions
Black, But Does It Suit Me?
Prompts, Comps, Swamps
Ticket to Vladivostok
Judas, My Story
Thursday, March 09, 2006
One Hit & Ten Prompts

Still very quiet in BC
But another little hit, this time for TomC, our 56th in 2006
Here are today's early morning prompts.
Mango, Mango
A Good Night in North London
Did You Pay Your VAT?
Twelve Caesars
A Knight on the Towne
Kindling & Vittles
Handsome is as Handsome Does
Twelve Ways to Cross America
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Party Time!
My story John Dee & Jack Carmen is up at Archipelago

I hate it when it's quiet in BC. I'm a bit like a shark, have to be moving to breathe, and when t's quiet, I get morose.
Little bit of news, though. Lexie is off today for the Launch Party for Leaf Books in South Wales (she won their first competition)

I hate it when it's quiet in BC. I'm a bit like a shark, have to be moving to breathe, and when t's quiet, I get morose.
Little bit of news, though. Lexie is off today for the Launch Party for Leaf Books in South Wales (she won their first competition)

A Hit, Some Prompts
BC is really quiet at the moment, with people away etc.
One more little hit for Dave P.
Here are this morning's Boot Camp Prompts
Meeting Marjorie
Penny for Your Thoughts
Early Train to Birmingham
Jim's Number
1,001 Places to See Before You Die
Penny for the Black Babies
Father Maloney's Glass Eye
Jimminy Cricket, Leg-Before-Wicket
People Who Eat Conkers, Are Bonkers
Chestnuts are the Best Nuts
Ghost Town, To Many Vacations
One more little hit for Dave P.
Here are this morning's Boot Camp Prompts
Meeting Marjorie
Penny for Your Thoughts
Early Train to Birmingham
Jim's Number
1,001 Places to See Before You Die
Penny for the Black Babies
Father Maloney's Glass Eye
Jimminy Cricket, Leg-Before-Wicket
People Who Eat Conkers, Are Bonkers
Chestnuts are the Best Nuts
Ghost Town, To Many Vacations
Friday, March 03, 2006
A Few Early Morning Prompts
A few days off, tending to D who had an accident a few days ago.
Here are some early-morning prompts from BC
I'm the Leader, I'm the Leader of the Band
Chocolate Spread
Six Months, Twenty-Six Miles
The Bella Archipelago
Bleak House
Charming, Fucking Charming
The Eyes Have It
Peter Osgood
Champion the Wonder Horse, His Mate Lassie and..
Yesterday's total of flash-crits in BC was 100 too high!
(Thought it looked a lot)
I was asked about the novel, but that's under wraps for a little while.
Here are some early-morning prompts from BC
I'm the Leader, I'm the Leader of the Band
Chocolate Spread
Six Months, Twenty-Six Miles
The Bella Archipelago
Bleak House
Charming, Fucking Charming
The Eyes Have It
Peter Osgood
Champion the Wonder Horse, His Mate Lassie and..
Yesterday's total of flash-crits in BC was 100 too high!
(Thought it looked a lot)
I was asked about the novel, but that's under wraps for a little while.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
March 1st Update
We've now had our 200th Flash of the Year, one more publication and one more prize, this one a little 3rd place for $25 (but they all count). That takes our totals for the year to:
0200 Flashes
0746 Flash Crits
0055 Stories
0470 Story Critiques
0025 Poems
0001 Novels
0299 Submissions
0122 Rejects
0054 Hits
0008 First Prizes
0003 Second Places
0003 Third Places
0010 Final Placings
0024 Prizes-Finals Total
0027 Web Publications
0007 Print Publications
0003 Dual Publications
0037 Total
$1,570 Earned.
0200 Flashes
0746 Flash Crits
0055 Stories
0470 Story Critiques
0025 Poems
0001 Novels
0299 Submissions
0122 Rejects
0054 Hits
0008 First Prizes
0003 Second Places
0003 Third Places
0010 Final Placings
0024 Prizes-Finals Total
0027 Web Publications
0007 Print Publications
0003 Dual Publications
0037 Total
$1,570 Earned.
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