Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Up the Amazon!

Some of you may remember that last year, for legal reasons I put a collection of my very early short-stories up on Amazon KDP

(Kindle Direct Publishing)

I didn't try to market the beast. It was just there to make Amazon perfectly aware of who owned the copyright to the lead story, "Postcards From BalloonLand."

Turned out it had two sales (although Amazon say one) and was there ranked just under 800,000th

Now that alone is scary as that suggests there are 700,00 Kindle titles not achieving the dizzy success of one sale per annum.

Anyway, for an exercise, yesterday I emailed my address book and mentioned the Kindle Book and asked if a few would care to buy it. (I don't recognise 2/3 of the names in my address book.)

Then I mentioned it on Facebook.

Come back soon to see the results

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