Wednesday, November 11, 2020

 War is Over Prompts

Wednesday November 11th, 07:00

01 A fairly small death, all things considered

02 The differences between rats and mice

03 Jenny McFee has a problem

04 Generally funerals are good for food

05 The darkness of horses



06 No more sleeping in, no more afternoon naps

07 The clatter of steel, the women waiting

08 Mourners in Pink

09 Think of an unusual word

10 You were eleven, I was twelve, but then you caught up



11 Walking barefoot on broken glass


13 A big, big, big yellow moon, the river gleaming

14 There’s a guy on the internet who..

15 Cyril’s bat.



16 Being arrested is a bit strange

17 My tape is twisted, but not as much as me

18 The corners of tickets

19 I’m annoyed, really. It was a very small bomb

20 Why the sacked Mr Fergusson



21 The General’s Underwear

22 To sell a puppy, first loan the puppy

23 The doctor stole my rib

24 No, that happened earlier

25 The end of the end of the end


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