Monday, November 09, 2020

Lockdown II Prompts

Monday, 9 November 20202.


01 Frankly, this is pissing me off

02 It’s about time.

03 They have put mother in a back room

04 President Moonshot

05 I choose my mother, but I don’t know why


06 Six sisters sitting on the sofa

07 I’m sure I left. I’d decided to be sober

08 So many called Gage, most of them starving

09 Some time in 1919

10 Everywhere white, white, white, but not snow


11 I confront myself most Mondays

12 Time left for a little joy?

13 My faceless friends


15 Reflection here, self-knowledge there…


16 I am practising ignorance


18 The phone rang: 3:16 AM

19 In the month after my death I shall…

20 The thing is, you can’t read about it


21 You are obliged to shower thoroughly

22 The grannies have rebelled in the home

23 What not to do

24 You waved a white glove like the Queen

25 And just like that it’s dark


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