Saturday, June 07, 2014

Prompt Set 021

Prompt Set 021

Saturday Jun 07. 05:33

I'm sending this message in a bottle

I have been in an excellent new job for a week or two

Our hut is excellent

The rain is full of strange beasts

Like a tank in a Burmese war film

Grappling irons, strong arms and Jesus!

There is a small herd of bulls

When John and Peter threw one in the pond

We try to ride our bykes

It's a kind of impending death by water

rallying a kind of peace

And so I fancy forth a letter to you

Collecting pretty pebbles in the rain

I hope to try it out with an enthusiastic partner

I heard a commotion in a ditch
out trotted a merry hedgehog

A noise like the distant sobbing of a child

My comrade in a pool of tears

He wouldn't even roll up he was so sad

His car is electrified against thieves

With a merry oath he threw himself behind the wheel

Blasted by a voltage to Heaven

I hear the bullocks conspiring

Charging behind me, utterly invisible

Ted wrapped it in his jumper and carried it home

A hedgehog wrapped in a towel in front of the gas

Cambridge is wonderful today

Not a ditch full of cold, dead frogs

Not a bird without feathers

Not a purse without pennies

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