Tuesday, January 31, 2006

30 Hits, but not 31

Another very early start.

My wife was flying to Edinburgh so I was up at 05:15. Soon I'm going to give up sleep altogether, it's such an inconvenience.

Whoopee, I thought two early-morning hours, no disturbance, a chance to write a good draft of something. Then BLOCK. Blank Screen, Duh! So I did some subs that I'm not posting until tomorrow ( I like to win), then read a bit. I'll get my 1,0000 word minimum out later (like November).

Good news at 10:00, yet another BC Finalist just announced, Tom C again, this time a comp in Australia, results TBA. I had given up on BC getting 31 hits in January, but now we've an outside chance again.

Of course 31/31 isn't the point. The point is to get the work out there, get feedback, get read. It's the steady application that makes the difference, which is why I push and one reason why we call it Boot Camp.


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