Tuesday, October 10, 2006

19:00 Prompts

The Ugliest Woman on TV

My Dad never took me up the mountain but I took my son there


Blood gauze through the wound of manwax

Dai Pugh's mother believed in luck


I know that, before I can begin, I must introduce myself, even though this story is not about me.

Man in his maggot's hollow

The man, Gabriel, needed to get to LA by Saturday.

Trim this, use an axe

I was out on the garage forecourt taking in the sun when I saw her.

National Vomit Week

A smell like incense. London darkness beyond the window; the deep breath of metal, heavy on the river far below us.

The note you hold, narrowing and rising

Tom is watching a movie with his mistress when something in the story-line touches him, and breaks through his well-constructed façade.

It was about eleven o’clock in the morning, mid October, with the sun not shining and a look of hard wet rain in the clearness of the foothills.

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