Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Thatcham Era October Blast Prompts 21 (08-10) 07:15

Thatcham Era October Blast Prompts 21 (08-10) 07:15

487 I need to write something funny
488 Blancmange
489 Write a serious, tragic, literary story that rewrites "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"
490 I have thrown away about a hundred thousand
491 Tonight, dins at the US Embassy
492 Psychopaths of a very dark kind

493 I am installed in a ripe bed-sit off The Strand
494 Too many languages, too many who are not us
495 Daffodils, as far as I could see
496 Taken to being shocking for its own sake
497 You would think sex was a disease
498 But to let a child go?

499 My horizon is as wide as a dollar bill
490 Whatever
491 I am furiously angry about so many things
492 The refugee camps
493 This dark November night of the soul
494 Something leather, delicate, can make me cry

495 The self-indulgent whining of the privileged 
496 I must be a part of it there, so i can tell others
497 The worst is casual cruelty, and to the innocent, an abomination
498 I am a voyeur
499 My diamond-studded destiny, sitting on my ass
500 I merely need to fuck a husband now and again

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