Monday, October 06, 2014

Thatcham Era October Blast Prompts 17 (06-10) 12:40

Thatcham Era October Blast Prompts 17 (06-10) 12:40

 391 Have I written since Xmas?
392 The weather in December is tricky. January is far more honest
393 It’s really frozen now. There is four inches of ice on the Cam
394 The swans are walking
395 In Wales, ponies frozen, birds dead on the branches
396 I am teaching myself not to give a damn
397 I will sleep when I like, eat whatever, see whomsoever I choose
398 I think I was made for a quiet life
399 A master teaching Chaucer in a forgotten school
400 Drip-dry shirts and other abominations
401 Composing letters to dowagers
402 Life should not be measured by its extent
403 I am considering the £10 trip to the antipodes
404 There is a girl. We may marry.
405 Fiddling while the dam bursts
406 Someone committed suicide last week
407 Ah, Mrs Snatchgribble!!
408 I may farm mink.
409 I believe, in a decade, I shall retire
410 Living cheaply at home, a giant stew made every Monday for the week
411 There are a couple of snags, but £10,000 should cover it.
412 Dearest, are you surviving?
413 Now THAT is style!
414 Little rags of dead skin and a roaring itch!

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