Monday, January 25, 2016

January Prompts 5076-5600

25 January 2016 16:00

5076  Everyone here talks like Gracie Fields
5077 A German liner docked. So big!
5078 Have you ridden a camel yet?
5079 Hello! Grey, relentless sky
5080 Perfect inside and out

5081 She is so gloomy, always thinking the worst
5082 A high sea and mackintosh weather
5083 If I was seven times better, I’d scrub Oxford and paint instead
5084 Lust for Life
5085 The world will not end on Saturday

5086 Last Sunday week, a most terrible storm!
5087 I don’t want to leave London, whatever happens
5088 Lawns like velvet, lily ponds, weeping trees
5089 The lifeboat had an awful job
5090 I have just returned from a rather embarrassing tea

5091 Every intelligent person should study politics
5092 A maroon went up for the lifeboat
5093 My natural habitat is in a museum
5094 An art-dealer’s clerk, imagine!
5095 Finished my first painting. No words can describe how awful it is.

5096 “I’m on a diet of love”
5097 Random bomb-throwing
5098 He sat down one day and started sketching the miners
5099 The entire population seemed to be running towards the harbour

5600 A war against fascism can’t be a bad thing, can it?

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