Tuesday, January 13, 2015

2015-0027 (Jan 13 2015) 21:45 (For Wednesday)

Boot Camp January Flash Blast

2015-0027 (Jan 13 2015) 21:45 (For Wednesday)

0651 How a house smells after a week away
0652 Watch them at the gates, still believing it matters
0653 Here we go! Here we go!
0654 Try drooling
0655 I would like a beautiful Thai woman to cook for me

0656 Blackman Jones, Plumber
0657 Selfie, Selfie on the Wall
0658 We are back where we started, but cleverer
0659 TOOT!
0660 He was a bastard, took forever to catch

0661 We could write the script of this, how it ends badly
0662 CRUST
0663 A pocket full of flowers
0664 When I grow up, I want to have died in my teens
0665 A Kind of Assassin

0666 We are all born naked, except royalty
0667 Fancy a donut?
0668 Docklands, dark, metal looming, mud
0669 Hello, House
0670 Stop That!

6071 Drink to me only and all that
0672 Hold my dead baby while I answer this
0673 Festival
0674 Today is the morning after the night
0675 I like children (with salt and vinegar)

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