Blog from Writer and CW Teacher Alex Keegan. Also publishes news from Boot Camp Keegan and Writing Competition Schedules and Results. FACEBOOK ME!
Friday, January 29, 2021
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Things are a bit lumpy at the moment
After three days, three letters
Turns out Popeye was with the CIA
We will capture America
The light that is in you
You put love on like an old coat
Autumn is just here one day
I vomit occasionally
We are disappointed, of course
The Blessed Urgent Fairy
For those falling short of God’s Glory
Wait for a while, then start digging
It’s a pollen thing
He liked secret messages and invisible ink
Winter is something we survive
Old men playing sad guitars
The darkness comprises us
A bag in a box in a tin in a crate
The houses pretend to be asleep
When your pee is cloudy
Sometimes you just have to win
Bless This House
Where the Papers are Hidden
A Plague of Priests
The Mantlepiece above the fire
The soul escapes the light
Why does half+half feel like less than one?
We have swung too many cats in here
The Black Album
We need to come to an understanding
There may be a mild reaction
The Mass is Ended
A mix of poets and balloons
Certain parts of this have been falsified
Something bitter on the tongue
Snow, in so many different ways
In the middle of the bridge
Eggs, milk, a little detergent
The weight of your piano
Hell’s Angels books have lots of chapters
There are various body parts
Slowly the mood turns darker
A few small monsters to deal with
A green light blinking across the bay
For the want of a nail
Close all doors and windows
As the earth is compacted
Sweet faces, black hearts
Helga hides things in her wooden leg
River of Lies
The bulbs begin to flicker
There are other aspects with which I am not familiar
Rooms full of thunder
Hags, Witches, Bastards
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Fog is enveloping the cities, trees
I was born long ago but I am not old
There is something familiar about the way you are dying
Selling soup in Abu Dhabi
City of unwanted friends
A mature man doesn’t piss in the snow
I believe I think in a different way
A two-faced clock
My head, my belly and my heart is full
When the ventriloquist loses his voice
The Duck Dance
Three men walk down a street
Repent at Pleasure
I have been sober for 37 minutes
We buckle our swashes, Ma’am
Swan Pond
Some times are Sand, some Smoke
You, my condemned fellows
We shot many and buried the survivors
Pulling a mountain is easier than pushing string
The fog settles, the night comes alive
Uncircumcised Jewish Babies
My Pet Worm
Dimes, cents, dollar-bills
Put the coffin on the cart
Monday, January 25, 2021
The architecture of love
Red Rabbit
Why bass guitarists look bored
Me and the Supremes
In the darkest corners of cathedrals
Pussy-cat, Pussy-cat, where have you been?
It’s clearly a mirror, he reflected
There was once a wheel-tapper called Fred
A goldfish in my martini
Trial by Candle
Feet like dead fish
In the middle of the middle, dead centre.
The Head Nurse loves me
Never Assume, Always Check
Matter; Anti-Matter; Doesn’t Matter
Fondling #101
The cunning of the betrayed wife
Not all wounds heal
Not all squirrels are bushy-tailed
The picket-fence, a dog
Careless talk is talc
It’s basically a question of geography
Centurion’s Disease
Write it in the sand, then stop the tide
Mormon Underwear
These are my racing clothes
Eclectic Epileptic, Apoplectic
Deadly Virus Localised Area
A tall glass building with no exits
What is the difference between a big bush and a small tree?
Shot by the Black ’n Tans
The man who wore suits to bed
Bananas are herbs, tomatoes fruit
Is the answer some kind of system?
Keats, the randy poet
The difference between butter and margarine
Her husband’s father’s son
Crossword, paper. Cut out the competition
Monday is Yellow. Tuesday is Green
For two pounds of potatoes and a turnip
Follow Me! I’m right behind you!
Flabbergasted Flibbertigibbets
I beg t’differ wit cher!
A Trip to the Sun
I need to die young and tragic. Is 73 too late?
Nellie, Paddy, Jenny. Trecco Bay
America; Not-America.
I need a shave. I SO need a shave
Now is the vintner of our nincompoop
The Litmus Test
Ministry of Excuses
Monday Prompts
Friday, January 22, 2021
A Minor disagreement in Central Park
Now is the D-J of or Discotheque
The regular incursions of the Press
He killed himself in The Brighton Grand
The steel that makes the ship
Sad as a clock with no minute hand
Rows of sweaty Yellow Cabs
Down the stairs to hot, steaming music
Sneaky Fucking Greeks
Traffic Wardens with AK47s
Clouds, begging for attention
Sergeant Stripes and Corporal Punishment
A Neon Kiss and Flickering Love
I have decided to be a yacht
Sardines, Capers, Oranges
Wear a dustbin-lid in case of falling bricks
Naked as a granite worktop and about as warm
The moon, vaguely pissed off
Two small silver pistols
Bear Mountain now wears clothes
She has a quick, brave heart
The perfectly upright Tower Of Pisa
If war comes, be sure of your love
Viagra in the water supply
Her flaming hair and lips actually flaming
Poetry is playing the drum with two flutes
I am neither invisible, nor transparent
Sometimes the lights should not go on
Thursday, January 21, 2021
01 More than a few books on bats
02 The praise is like entrails
03 The sewer sings shitty songs at night
04 He wrote poems, hands behind his back, blindfold, silent
05 Frank O’Hara, Ashberry, Koch, Schulyer
06 If a million Chinamen jumped
07 No THIS is what losing is
08 Train versus Cello? Home and Away?
09 Dead Poets do not give a fuck.
10 Two oranges, a Kit-Kat, in my overnight bag
11 Gargled Petrol; Words of Fire
12 if you want a pat on the head, find a cow
13 A ditch full of rubbish; one or two bodies
14 Crucifixes, Barbed-Wire, Duct-Tape
15 Singing to the Death
16 But the the war was over. We gave up poetry
17 The obscenity of your whiteness
18 How to survive a mass-shooting
19 He built scaffolds in Meccanno
20 Filth, unless you’re a shit-eating bug
21 She was a sexy as a stale cookie
22 The smallest Russian Doll is childless
28 How many needles in my eyes?
23 My father is sort-of dead
24 Dancing with Dostoevsky
25 Let’s play “Killing the Lodger”
26 My desk has cliff-edges and deep dark pools
27 I need to get out of here: Yesterday!
28 How many needles in my eyes?
Saturday, January 16, 2021
and more...
When she opened her purse, a bird flew out
If they reduced speed-limits by 1 MPH per day
Talking shit, smoking spliffs, three in the morning
If the moon had an on/off switch
My father died five weeks ago
The ruts that old carts make
In due course, we shall divine the truth
A man with daisies on his hat
Nothing to write about - here we go!
Another stone in my shoe
Together; on our three-cushion, plush settee
Admit it. You miss me!
Life’s a drag for cross-dressers
28 Day Cut-Off
The bridge is built. Soon we’ll add a road
Decapitating a few rabbits
The Young Female Asian Refugee Writers Group
The dead hippo firing its final shots
Taken at a certain angle
Night coming in like a bag-snatcher
Incompetent, incontinent
I dreamt of Hugh last night.
I live in a storm-drain but it’s MY storm-drain
Double or Nothing?
An air of baffled silence
Penalty Spot
The small rooms in her head
Friday, January 15, 2021
More Prompts