Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Thatcham Era October Blast Prompts 19 (07-10)

Thatcham Era October Blast Prompts 19 (07-10)

>>> for 11:30  <<<

439 When the wind and the light combine
440 Glint of Sun
441 We are not there, but moving we are not here, either
442 Monkey

443 The lake is grey, dull as a slate roof
444 I have sorted my thoughts but I worry about the order
445 Hurry slowly friend
446 A Pewter Spoon, a Plate

447 It's not I have forgotten the rules, I have forgotten WHY rules
448 I hear my voice, my lips tight shut and blood between my teeth
449 It is mere veneer
450 Let us catch our hearts off guard and open up!

451 Yesterday I left the handbrake off
452 To render the missing visible
453 I have had my porridge, the dogs are fed
454 The heart seeks charity, the mind clarity

455 For health, do not eat alone
456 For health, do not drink with many men
457 Walk Hounds
458 The mare is foaling in the low field

459 Imagine something small is the universe, the rest its aura
460 Let us drink cheap wine and eat books
461 Swedish Poetry
462 And did you get what you wanted or only what you craved?

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