Friday, May 29, 2009

Prompts Ready for First-Thing Friday

I have know them all already, known them all

The water is bad

Marmalade, careful toast, butter in scrolls, tea

Talking to the old crew

That is not what I meant at all

The day of battle

The sun used to shine while we walked

I have mislaid the key

Rain all through the night, nothing but rain

The village is silent, except for the sound of the smithy, bang, and bang

I am traveling from the borders of sleep

Here love ends

I weep like a child for the past

She bathes and I watch, delirious

He climbed in the dark, looking for the sweet air

My little boat, my love

Her skin is soft, but something in her eyes is hard

I saw a naked man

The land here throws a finger at the sky

I drop a question in your hand

I am dying, I am dying. We are all dying


The water recedes. It's mark remains

Groping along the wall, step, stumble, step

The soot that falls from chimneys

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